Friday, February 25, 2011


Nothing says classy like...

-Barfing out your nose
-Running out of a room 'tossing your cookies' because someone brought in food and you smelled it
-Crying at the nurses station because you can't go back to your room because it smells like food
-Sitting in the IV lounge watching tv when a KFC commercial comes on you start dry heaving and all the blood transfusion patients look at you like you're crazy until you explain you're pregnant...and the worst pregnant woman ever.

Did I mention this all was today?

Pregnancy kicks my butt.
When I get better I'm going to kick somones butt...or maybe not someone but maybe I'll kick over my IV pole! This is me, I'm pregnant, I'm sassy so don't mess with me I'll barf on you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sheena! I'm so sorry! Really, thing you never imagine could happen somehow have a way of happening when you're a mama. Do you have enough help with your wee girlie? Let me know if you need anything.
    Praying that you kick the IV pole pronto ;-)
