Saturday, February 26, 2011

Were is it?

Were is my optimism? I just can't find it. I feel like I'm turning into a bitter, cold, angry shrew.

Everyday just feels so dark.
I know it could be worse but honestly I don't see it. It feels just about as bad as it could get.

I think I'm struggling especially because this is round two of pregnancies from hell. I'm a Christian and I love Jesus. Man if I could think of what hell would be like it would be a lot like pregnancy.

-gut wrenching
-heart break (miss my man&girl)

I'm so glad I'm a christian because hell will be worse and man I'm not cut out for worse then pregnancy.

10 weeks pregnant and screaming from the inside out 'get this baby out'. So ready to just have my baby. Just want to fast forward this nightmare.

I can't believe I'm this sick again. So lame. Seriously.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Judging from Audrey's personality I'd say this baby is just letting you know how badly it wants to be out in the world too! Silly baby - you'll catch up with your sister soon enough. Just get bigger than the size of a shrimp first!
