Thursday, June 16, 2011

The First (hopefully the last)

Audrey has fallen, crashed, banged and smashed. This is the life with a lovely one year old.
Her first split lip brought tears to my eyes (not hers...come on she's way to tuff)
Her first skinned knee made me sad (she kept running)

Well was my fault.
It was the first time it was my fault
I pray it is the last time it is my fault.

As I went to grab Audrey's hand I missed. She dodged me. I scratched her. No big deal right? Man, I scratched her right under her eye. It swelled up and puffed up. She looked at me with these big sad eyes. Oh man, heartbroken.

I went to go see Brent's dad. His reaction "Wow, Audrey got a black eye?"
sniff sniff "no, its a scratch and its just puffy because it just happened and I did it."
Nothing is worse then hurting your own child. I know i'm pregnant and over reacting but man oh man it just kills me.

All I want in life is to protect her. I look down at my legs. Every scar has a story. I know that she needs to fall and make mistakes but I just pray that this is the last time that I am the cause of any sort of pain that comes to her.

Cringe (teenage years) Cringe.
I'm so not ready for a teenage girl. Thank goodness for 365 days in every year because I am going to need each one to get me ready.

1 comment:

  1. You removed it or didn't post it, or went back on it, but I could still read it on googlereader.

    This is my advice to's N E V E R going to be perfect. If they were far away, you'd dread the day of celebration as they are so close, yet so far. If they were dead, you would just want to be able to hug them, if there was only 2 dads there would still be 2 too many dads to celebrate.

    It's like a merry-go round. If it's making you sick you don't just wait for it to stop. You get off it! We have (after 2 kid & 9 years of marriage) have chosen now to get off the merry-go round. We were getting sick and there is no need for "holiday's" to make you feel sick.

    So take a step back and look at the merry-go round...does it look like fun or stress?

    We are dealing with a similar situation cause we've got other married couples on both sides of our family who are also trying to coordinate their celebrations with our dads too...and not very often do they work out perfectly.

    So what we do, no matter if someone can/can't make the event. We set up the date, time & place, and at the same time schedule our time to do our family celebration (just us). So when I talked to my Mom tonight I said "no, we're busy celebrating with Paul and there is no re-scheduling that". Even if we are just getting chubby chicken and taking it to the beach for the afternoon...that is OUR time and it's scheduled just like any other holiday.

    Don't get sick, get off the ride and schedule in time with your man. In the grand scheme of life is it REALLY going to matter that you only spent an hour or two with the Dad's? The answer is NO, so don't go crazy, stop and get off the ride.

    Bless you and your efforts. Growing up sucks ;)
