Thursday, April 17, 2014

Audrey's Show and Tell!

Today Audrey had show and tell!
I let her bring in her kittens to her preschool so she could tell all her little friends about her kittens.

Walking into school we past various big kids, monitors, crossing guard, parents and more! She exclaimed with jubilee every single time we passed a person. 'I have kittens!!!' They all smiled and giggled (while being slightly confused)

Once we got to her actual class she went to each of her friends and told them how she brought her kittens to school and how they could hold them and feed them (that wasn't exactly true but it was cute). I'm not quite sure if I've ever encountered Audrey being this excited. Which is surprising because she is quite excitable. You simply say 'grandma' and she's jumping and leaping in joy. So this excitement was even more exuberant. 

We sat in circle time. We sang songs. Audrey could barely keep her bum and feet on her mat. She was dieing with anticipation.

When time finally came for show and tell she leapt up and started talking. 

'These are my kittens. They live in a barn. We feed them treats and grass and worms (we don't actually give them grass and worms) there are this many (she held up three fingers)'

She held a kitten and her two teachers held a kitten and let all her friends pet them. It was a hit. All the kids were in heaven. Squealing and oooh-ing and ahhhhh-ing. Audrey being my daughter was absolutely in heaven being the total center of attention. 

Disclaimer: I came home patting myself on the shoulder that it was such a success. The reason being as I had my BIGGEST mommy fail. When we came back from vacation in March and our basement was flooded I lost my mind...and I forgot show and tell day...that means she went to school empty handed and came home broken hearted. Oh my lanta my heart broke. Kinda hoping the kitten show and tell redeemed the no show and tell day *wink wink. 

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