Friday, April 11, 2014

Titty Tat

'Titty tat' (kitty cat)
Today we drove to chilliwack to get our new additions. I told the kids we were getting a surprise so for 45 mins Audrey tried her hand at guessing.

The clues
-it's alive
-it eats
-it breathes 
-we need to name it

The guesses
-a bouncy ball
-a teddy bear
-a dolly
-a doggy (soooooo close! I tried to prompt her to guess something similar to a doggy and she was back to bouncy balls)
-a cupcake
-a birthday party
To name a few. Hahaha. We pulled up to the farm and talked to the man who led us to the kittens. When they saw the kittens I admit I felt bad for the man. The high pitched squeeling and jumping for glee! They were soooooooo excited!!!!

The whole way home Audrey talked about what she wanted to name them.

It started with names like

I nixed it. Whoops bad mommy. I needed names we could actually remember haha.

She settled on
She was set on naming the 3rd but I wanted to give beckham a shot.

Audrey pointed, ' sparkle, pickle...'
And Beckham exclaimed 'three!'

So that's the third name. I know he has a fish named 'two' and a cat named 'three' but heck he's only 2 so we will go with it haha!

We got home. The kittens are SO little. Beckham looks like a terrorist to them I'm sure. They feared him like the Israelites feared Goliath. It was intense. There was some tears. Beckham just loves the so much...maybe to much Haha!

Gentle is a skill he hasn't mastered so we are working on it!!!

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