Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh no...for real?!?

This is the second Sunday IN A ROW Brent and I have forgotten that during Christmas holidays church starts at 10am not 11am! So by the time we get ready, drive there church has started soooo long ago we can't humble ourselves to go in so we turn around and drive home, sadly! So embarrasing, especially since it's week two in a row!

I've had some pretty embarrasing moments in 2009 and being late to church doesn't even come close. I'll open up about a few.

On our cruise Brent and I were in the hot tub and I all of a sudden got uncontrolable vomit. I vomited in the hot tub :( it's true! Brent lept out and got a towel and I got to the edge so I could continue to throw up in a towel instead. Oh dear, me.

I have a habbit of seeing older men exposed. At the pool Brents mom and I walked into the men's change room while a man was changing. ( Not as bad as when I walked into the staff (mens) bathroom at LCS and saw a fellow teacher peeing at the urinal)

I tried simulated surfing and lost my bottoms in front of 20+ guys.

**had to edit some out because apparently I do have male readers***

On the grade six camping trip I had many students see me run into the bushes to throwup. Also in the morning I had some parents 'see' me and ask if I was praying in the bushes.

These are just a few that I can think of off hand. It feels like every week I have done something humiliating. I am not sure how it happens but it always seems to.

5 days until we find out the sex (on a completly different note)
I'm so excited...then I can start buying baby stuff :)

I was in Target the other day and it was so hard not buying anything baby. I can only imagine it'll get much harder.

I'm starting a list of things we'll need before the baby comes. So those are the things I'll start buying in a couple weeks. It'll be fun to start getting ready. I'm almost 21 weeks (over half done, yippea!) then we get to meet this little munchkin.

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

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