Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fake potty banishment

So on about day 3 of potty training Audrey was getting pretty independent when it came to using the portable potty especially. We kept the portable potty in our living room for 'just in case' she can't make it to the big potty. Well....this is how it would go.

Audrey sits on potty
Audrey pees on potty
Audrey yells 'yay pee..yay wipe..yay treat(back when she was getting treats)

Well on day three she did something different and that is why the potty got banished.

Audrey sits on potty...
Audrey pees on potty
Audrey yells 'yay pee, yay wipe, yay treat'
I was nursing so I wasn't fast enough...
She picked up the removable 'bowl' in the potty (we normally do this and bj g it to the big potty so I wasn't overalls concerned)
She the yelled 'yay pee' and showed me

I said 'yay'
THEN she DRANK her pee...I was ripping Beckham off so fast and trying to stop it so fast but I was just a slow motion disaster...it was to late...

The fake potty got banished!
Bye bye fake potty...may my child never drink pee ever again!

1 comment:

  1. I will agree that it is completely gross...but if it helps at all, urine should be sterile (no nasty bacteria or anything)...of course the toilet bowl is another matter. I would have banished the portable potty also! Yay for you guys being successful with potty training though; Nora is just now starting to show interest.
