Saturday, January 14, 2012

Potty training

We hadn't intended on potty training till this summer because then Beckham would be older and it just seemed like it would be easier with Audrey being over two. Well about a month before Beckham was born Audrey was 15 months and started expressing lots of interest in the potty. She would always tell us when she pooped and would often tell us before she would go. I was so pregnant and so sick thinking f potty training wasn't even an option.

Fast forward 4 months (Audrey is 19 months). For the last 1.5 months she cries before she poops and says poop poop potty. She HATES going in her diaper and often begs to go on the potty. Potty training still wasn't an option because I was so busy with a newborn.

Beckham is 3 months and now everytime Audrey poops and pees as tells us and cries while she does it because she wants to do it on the potty not in her diaper.

This weekend is it. We have spent all morning naked in the bathroom and she has had no accidents yet! Crossing our fingers. Slowly we will give her more 'freedom' but not until she goes longer without peeing!! Got to make it to the potty in time!

Brent is taking Monday off so we ate hoping to have a good start this weekend and that we will say bye bye to diapers soon!

This is Audrey playing while in the bathroom naked. Mommy is going to be on Facebook lots because man oh man there is only so much you can do while in the bathroom with your toddler all day.

Did I mention Brent's parents are gone so he is taking Beckham to his parents house and putting him on a schedule today. Yay for weekends not being for fun but instead for implementing change in your kid lives. Go hubby go!

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