Thursday, August 1, 2013

Beckham's barfing adventure

I'm sure you're surprised that a blog about Beckham's Barfing adventures isn't a glamorous post. More a post about the mayhem and horror that we all knew was inevitable. 

Inevitable? Yes, yes indeed. Our kids almost NEVER get sick. A sniffle or fever that lasts 12 hours is about as bad as its gotten.

That came to a halt. The flu.

7pm-put Beckham to bed. He was asleep within 3 minutes

7:15 Brent and I watch movie 

10pm we go to bed

10:01pm the screams and gagging begin. We leap and run to Beckham's room. The horror that we find is indescribable. Or perhaps to graphic for a blog.

10:05pm the amount of times he has thrown up in this short amount of time is record breaking.

10:10pm we decade a plan. We had a feeling it was the flu so we decided to be smart. I took first shift. 10-12pm. He threw up every 8-10mins. 
***not only did he throw up but he tried to refuse to throw up in a bowl/bucket/sink/toilet. He would arch his back head butt and scream if you tried to force him. It was BRUTAL. He also would try and ask for a hug only to throw up in his desired position...ALL over you!!***

12-2am Brent took this shift...he said he only threw up every that's not so shabby 

2-4am Sheena's shift...somehow he's throwing up every 15mins again. Seriously. 

4am I come back to bed with Beckham to give him to Brent for his shift...Brent is unawake-able. I have Beckham until 6am where he finally falls asleep...on top of me. Well that's not going to work.

6am Beckham is put back in his bed.

7:30am Audrey wakes up and runs into Beckham's room. Shoot me (Brent's at work...)

7:30am I try and feed Audrey breakfast and not feed Beckham. I almost lost my life...not feeding Beckham is the hardest thing I have ever encountered. He is my food beast.

9:30am I decide not to feed Audrey anymore (she had breakfast) lol poor child. Audrey and Beckham get freezies all day. No one is complaining. I however might die a slow painful death of did I cope with newborns again?

There was random barf that day maybe 5-6 times nothing major. It was a 12 hour bug. 

Day 2
We play outside and Beckham is so dehydrated but I'm trying to pace him so he doesn't over do it. Well he gets ahold of he hose and guzzles for 5mins without me knowing. I get it away from him. We go inside. I'm disinfecting the house so no one else gets sick. The barfing has stopped. Beckham runs to me and wants a hug (I should have seen it coming). I bend down to hug him and he projectile tsunami barfs all over me. All over my freshly disinfected bathroom. Darn that hose. 

I know your curious. What did I smell like? Well I had been projectile barfed and sneak attack thrown up on so many times in 24 hours I never thought the smell would fade. Shower after shower I could still smell the rank smell of acidic freezies. Freezies will never be the same.


Remember my last post. Being sad about being late. Maybe a lil mad at God for 'toying' with me. I repent. Oh mercy. God gave me exactly what I needed...a fresh reminder why pregnancy and me aren friends. Vomit. So much vomit. 

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