Friday, January 3, 2014

Merry Christmas 3

Christmas morning. Who was more excited mommy or the kids? Maybe mommy. I woke up at 5:30 SO excited. I rationally forced myself back to sleep. Audrey then kept down the stairs at 7:40. She was SO excited that Santa came.

Beckham got woken up in all the commotion&came and joined right in. We proceeded to open our stockings. They were so excited I can't even write in words the noises and commotion that occurred. It was a blast.

Brent made us a crepe, berry & whip cream breakfast. It was scrumptious!

After we cleaned up breakfast we then opened toys with the babies and that was a quick quick event. We thoughts about pacing it but oh man once they started their was no turning back. It was a riot ha ha.

We pales and watched a 'Diego Christmas movie' it was a lovely time.

The time was ticking so before naptime I got the kids to help me bake a cake so we could decorate it after. It's our annual 'happy birthday Jesus cake'. It's not glamorous when it's decorated by a 2 and 3 year old but it was heartwarmingly beautiful in my eyes. Fast forward to naptime...bliss. Naps for adults as well! 

When the kiddos woke we decorated the cake, sung happy birthday to Jesus & blew out the candle. Oh yes then we indulged and ate it!! 

We had a light dinner after all the treats and indulging we did today. I was going to make a Ham but we didn't get around to it, just that kind of day. We will do it another day!

Alright. After the extra sugar and spoiled kid syndrome after so many presents we put another movie on to calm the storm and crankiness. That was Christmas over here. It was absolute bliss!!

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