Thursday, February 6, 2014


While Audrey is in preschool my time with my sweet boy usually involves errands, special dates and errands hehe. I took Prada to petsmart to get groomed (cutting her nails is a death sentence...better them then us *wink wink*) 

Into petsmart we go, he's such a good little boy especially when it's just me and him. We has 15 mins to pickup Audrey. Beckham really wanted to go look at the fish. My morning with him had been 'selfish' and 'efficient' not a lot of time for fun. 

As Beckham proceeded to chant...'fish fish fish mom fish fish fish...' I saw it as an opportunity. Sometimes 'no' seems so easy. Lately I have been trying to say 'yes whenever possible' it's a hard one when you're juggling a million things. I just had been feeling really heavy. Like my babies are having their day filled with the word 'no' when they really weren't asking for much. 

So beckham and I proceeded to go down and look at the fish. Every tank he pointed excitedly and said 'fish fish fish!' The time was ticking and instead of ending it right there I texted my sweet girlfriend to sign Audrey out and that I'd meet her on the playground a couple mins late (we sometimes do this for one another as we usually play at the park after preschool).

Beckham looked at me and said 'my fish?' And his tone was clear. He was asking if he could take it home. I felt almost like Jesus was nudging my heart. Had he pointed to the $15 fish I might have said no. He wasn't though...the fish he chose was the .19 cent feeder fish. Aka the fish that would become another animals food. 

I looked at him and said,  'sure honey, you choose one.' He looked and looked and chose one...(the tank prob had 80-90 fish haha). I told him to tell the lady he chose one...sure enough he went and told the lady. God bless her heart. She was so sweet to him. She got his exact fish out. The exact fish...exact .19 cent fish swimming among 90. Oh he was so excited.

He said 'fish fish fish fish fish' all the way to the car. I asked him what he wanted to name the fish. (I had thought I would help him.) NOPE he has a name all picked. 'Two!!!' He exclaimed. 

So now we have a fish. A fish that sometimes gets poked when I'm not watching. A fish that is overly loved. I figured better to be pestered by toddlers then eaten alive...right? His life isn't so bad right?

They feed him...ask to hold him (hahhaha)...I say 'no' don't worry.

2014. A year of as many 'yes' moments I can muster. A year of innocent moments treasured forever.

A day passes so fast with nothing meaningful so easily. I'm learning that by simply saying yes I'm able to indulge in meaningful ways that really are obtainable. Life isn't about the extravagance it's about the simple moments. I'm treasuring each and every 'yes moment' I can muster. 

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