Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Sass

So I am working on biting my tongue but you know what lately with all the mayhem I just feel like I need to vent soooo VOILA!

These past 18months+9 months have been NUTTY. I have been SOOO sick, on IVs, on Ondansatron (what they give cancer patients for nausea) I have two children 16 months apart. I was in the hospital for almost three solid months each pregnancy and just a mess for the other six months. My husband has had four 2 month periods were he has worked 11-12 hour days and so I had almost no help. It has been A MESS. I can honestly say that I have never been so sick and never had so much stress. I am only sharing the stuff that is applicable to me because there is so much more stuff but it isn't mine to share. At the end of the day I feel more blessed today even after going through it all.

I have a few friends who whine and I just want to be that toddler that grabs them by the hair and shakes them. I can honestly say that through pregnancies, through being SO sick I have brought many people meals and tried to help out other people. Babysitting there kids etc. At the end of the day these people are still complaining and saying how no one has supported them. How they live in a community that isn't supportive. I just feel SICK to my stomach. I would NEVER have said that even in my darkest days when I was in the hospital especially to someone who has in there hardest time tried to help them out.

It isn't just one person, I would say it is our society more or less...trying to only think about what they get, what people can do for them, and how hard life is for them. I just feel so sick even talking about this (for real). I think the bibles verse...applies

Mathew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye

If you haven't done all you can to help your neighbors you should not complain about the lack of help you have received. There are lots of people that disapointed me in our time of need, would I tell them that? No way! How do I feel now that we are 'going up hill' I feel like God surrounded us with people that unexpectedly stepped up to the plate and BLEW us away. Even the smallest things meant THE WORLD. Count your blessings. Don't dwell on how bad you think you have it or you will always feel sorry for yourself instead look at all the things God has blessed you with.

Even if you think your friends, family and community have not lived up to your expectations I think it is important to turn it around...

ask yourself
1-what has God blessed us with
2-what are thinks that I can do to bless others (do unto others as you would have them do unto you {don't expect anything in return})
3-can I really complain, are there others that have it worse that I can help?

Just my perspective. I am guilty of self pity there are many days I just feel bad for myself. In those times I just hope I can catch myself and turn it around. I am so blessed and I need to give praise rather then focus on the negative.

So I guess instead of writting a blog about an annoyance I will turn it around

1- I have a beautiful Mother in law that has blessed Brent and I time and time again. She has gone above and beyond. She has blessed our children, Blessed us individually and blessed our marriage. She is a living example of the woman I hope to grow to be. What an incredible woman to have in my life!
2- We have a community that we know has prayed for us in the good times and the hard. It is so encouraging that we have found so many people that can help us just by lifting us up to the Lord
3-I have been blessed with my hubby, he is my Prince and has gotten me through so much in this life and knowing him is a blessing and a inspiration. He has helped me strive to be a better person.
4- We serve a God of grace....he has forgiven me time and time again. He has taught me so many things and always forgiven me and taken me back. I am not a perfect person and often lay down in bed at night and I hear a knock knock knock on my heart. He gently reminds me of all the things I need corrections for.
5- We have had friends that have been such a blessing and seriously taught us what it means to be people of God. They have inspired us to do more and be better and they probably would have NO idea what an impact they have made on our lives. They live out there faith in the small ways and the big. So incredible!

I'm sorry for venting, I hope you can laugh at my frustrations. I know its silly. I am not even sure why I was frustrated now that I am finished post or not to post. Ok I'll post ha ha ha. Love you all :)

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