Monday, May 19, 2014

Audrey is 4

4 years ago. On this very day. My midwifed had mercy on my poor pregnant body and soul. They decided to induce me and help bring along the best gift I could have received at the end of a long and tiring pregnancy. My Audrey bounded into the world. She was 9lbs 10oz and 22 inches long. She was vibrant right from the start. Brent and I always joke that she skipped the newborn stage. She wasn't the typical sleepy newborn. She slept great at night but was WIDE awake during the day. She introduced me to motherhood with a BANG! She had me running right from day 1. We also always said that she was ready to walk straight from the womb-she hit her milestones at such speed it had us so proud and googling like mad-haha the week to week 'what to expect' was totally off...usually by MONTHS because she would jump ahead like crazy! So funny! 

Fast forward 4 years.
I genuinely love all my time with my princess. My heart hurts when I have to discipline her but I want to shape her into a beautiful young woman with healthy boundaries and respect for others. She is always full of life, adventure, hope, dreams and mischief. She is a perfect addition to our family. I couldn't have dreamed of a better daughter. She has taught me so much about myself and who I want to be already. It's amazing what wise words a four year old can have. As well as some sassy ones to-as I'm sure you can imagine. I'm pretty sure I wasn't as smart as her when I was four. 

She has such a kind heart and when she loves she loves with all her heart. She is a giver. She is a people pleaser. She is such a good friend and everyone that knows her always is smitten by her vivacious personality. 

I am so so so proud of my Audrey. I hope one day when she reads this she will know how very much I loved her ever since I peed on that very first pregnancy test. 

I am so so so excited for what the next year holds for my very sweet Audrey!

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