Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Food cleanse

So Audrey was supposed to be the special helper, have show and tell, bring in a special treat for her friends at preschool because it was her birthday. 

We have a busy day celebrating our princess so the evening came fast. I stayed up late making coloured kettle corn (purple) for all her preschool friends and put it in little containers. It was so cute. I has one of those moments were I felt like I was 'in the mommy groove' you know that artsy, above and beyond mom...not something I strive for but for my girls special birthday I wanted to try do something fun for her. 

Well that night she must have heard me making it. 

When I woke up all the containers were gone.

She had taken them to her room.
Taken them and eaten all 18.
Taken them and destroyed the cute packages.

Oh my lanta. I have never been so upset. I called Brent and vented before I discipled her. Heck, Grandma came to watch beckham while I took her to her special preschool. I still hadn't discipled her. Usually consequences are easy for me. I'm not a Crazy disciplinarian but I for sure believe that there needs to be a consequence to our actions when they are wrong so our little ones learn life's not all about doing whatever we want. 

I was stumped and heart was bleeding. All I wanted was to do something special for her. Now I had to discipline her-bah. 

She got a time out. (A big one)
She is going to start a sweet cleanse. A week of no treats, sweets or anything sugary. She will learn that unless we ask permission we can't just eat whatever we want. Treats are just that. A treat. You need to earn them. Not just eat 18 boxes of popcorn. 

Cheers to hopefully a smooth week of chatting about food boundaries with my 4 year old. Hopefully I don't crash and burn hahaha

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