Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Celebrating Audrey

4 is SO fun.
Because they are just as excited as you are at 4
Because they are able to do so many fun things 
Because they are just mini adults 
Because they are so much fun
Because they are tall enough for REAL adventures!

For Audrey's birthday we started off at the grocery store so she could choose all the fixings for her cake. 
She got to choose the color of the cake, the color of the icing, lots of treats to decorate.
She had a blast decorating it this year (she did last year as well) the only difference was this year I totally let go and let her do whatever she wanted. Nothing Pinterest perfect but totally 4 year old fun. 

Grandma gave her $4 in loonies. We let her and Beckham choose two .19 cent fish to take home and pay for by themselves with that money. This is to replace Beckhams fish 'two'. Audrey named the white fish 'Princess' beckham named the orange fish 'two' we call it 'Two the 2nd' lol.

We then has naptime. Glorious naptime. Or course we opened presents earlier in the morning.
I also have a 'eat whatever you want even if it's treats all day' on your birthday so we started the morning off with cupcakes. 
After naptime Beckham got dropped off at Grandmas so Audrey could have some quality time with mommy&daddy!

We took her to Castle Fun Park so we could go 'go-karting' and play games! It was a hit for sure!!!!

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