Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm back

I've gotten quite a few emails saying that they miss my blog and my blogging. So this morning as I procrastinate getting out of bed I thought it would be a great oppertunity to shoot off a blog.

I guess the truth as to why I stopped is because I just started to feel like a big complainer and I didn't want to lose the respect of my loved ones. Medically speaking not much has changed in the last couple weeks. Random barfy days, still some days were I am bedridden with dreadful nautiousness also if I over excert myself my fatigue is extreme. It's just frusterating. There are lots of tears that are cried that is for sure. I'm just ready to be better, to be normal. Sometimes I catch myself feeling sorry for myself and feel ashamed because I know I have come so far and it could be so much worse.

If you don't know what is in this picture I'll explain. It is a gluten free sandwich imported from heaven. There is candles lit. Yes, yes it's true this picture was taken while in the bath. That prob explains why there is no self portrait lol. This is my safe haven. For some reason my nautiousness subsides while in the bath so usually every evening this is were you can find me :) perhaps I'll start a bathtub blog. Just joking.

This is my post barf smoothy. This picture was probably also taken in the bath. Its like my batcave for when I feel nautious wich is often. For some reason this smoothy stays down when nothing else will. Sorry about the lack of a recent manicure these days it doesn't seem to be a huge priority sadly.

So as of yesterday I'm 16 weeks pregnant! Wow! I'm still not showing. I just look a lil bloated. I'll post some belly shots when I get a chance. My midwife says it's normal that I'm not showing because I'm tall and slim. So if anyone teases me I'm just going to quote her.

I'm planning on going back to work in January. That's my goal, and my doctors. I'm really missing work. Makes me wonder if I'll miss it when I'm on maternity leave. Perhaps.

I have to admit I'm laying in bed trying to think about something funny to blog about but nothing seems funny. You can only talk about barf or barf stories so much. I'm sorry, I guess I fail in the humor section today.

My babies <3 amongst the laundry mayhem.

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

1 comment:

  1. people make comments if you're showing (woah, you're huge - are you sure it's not twins?) and comments if you're not showing. practice giving "withering looks" in the mirror so you can give them to your commenters. haha. you're doing great.
