Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 56 on the comfy couch

Prada and I are best buds. She lays in front of me on the couch all day. She is so faithful and loyal. Uhoh in this pic you can see my 'clutter'. Brent is still my hero and has taken care of all the cleaning, cooking, tidying etc for the last 56 days! What a trooper! He's going to be such a great dad I can just sense it.

Brent and I were talking the other day how we have a small but very real chance of having babies that looking nothing like us. Brent looks like his 'weibe' side of his family while the rest of his family has 'converse' genes. Also I look like my mom but Chanel my sister and Greg are blonde with green eyes. Brents brothers are blonde, short, and blue eyes. Brent and I are both tall with dark feautures (Brent does have lovely blue eyes). I just think it would be almost humorous if we had short, blond haired, blue eyed babies.

***here is a baby bump pic of me at 13.5 weeks

On Sunday Brent and I decorated for Christmas. It was magical.

**this is my view from the couch now. I find it purely enchanting! I love Christmas.

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone


  1. Sheena - you are too cute! Love your belly picture & tree! Glad you seem to be feeling better! xo, *S

  2. just blame it on the mail man sis :P
