Sunday, November 1, 2009

This is what I eat...

My diet consists of...

Toast (gluten&wheat free, egg free)

Gummy worms

Sprite slurpys

Ps- I don't have a bump. Why does it feel weird laying on my stomach? Are you not sopposed to lie on your stomach at all when your pregnant? It just feels odd.

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone


  1. are you serious? toast? that can't be good and i'm hoping you're exaggerating. and i don't think you're supposed to lay on your stomach when you're pregnant, even if you don't have a bump...though, i'm not sure why not. :) find more to eat girlie! praying you!

  2. Sadly I'm not exagerating. It's all that stays down haha. Hopefully soon I'll be able to tolerate more. As of Wednesday my first trimester will be over so I'm praying that soon after I'll start feeling better.

    I'm going to google the whole laying on your belly thing.

  3. According to a ob-gyn - There's no problem lying on your stomach in early pregnancy. At this point, your uterus is still nestled behind your pubic bone, so it's totally protected. Later in your pregnancy, sleeping on your stomach just isn't going to be comfortable. You'd be too uncomfortable to want to do it long before you could ever hurt your baby.
