Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oh Halloween ..

This was the worst Halloween ever!! There may have even been tears it was so bad. Luckily I was alone so no one witnessed me crying over a lousy Halloween haha.

Brent went to his parents for dinner and a movie. So I was desperately alone all night. ( I was happy for him to get fed and get some social interaction)

I stayed home and watched embarssed to say it because it's such a trashy show...'sex in the city' marathon. I went to bed at 830pm. No tricker treaters (turned lights off because of germs and lack of energy to open door.) So sad. I sipped on cranberry juice so I had some 'sugar'.

I love Halloween. The candy. The dressing up! The festivities!!! It's one of my favorite holidays haha. This one was the most disapointing so far!

Boo! I missed Colbie concert&howie day *tear, thanksgiving, whistler turkey sale, turkey dinner, u2 concert, fright nights, Halloween and so much more. This is day 40....that's right day 40 of being sick and in bed! I'm having a little bit of a pity party but no one is invited because I'm to scared to get sick (swine flu, flu, cold etc) it would be the end of me if I got sick!

I'm sorry for the complaining blog today. I am just starting to feel so discouraged. 40 days of isolation is finally getting to me! My doctor says I still have weeks left before I can even think of real life again :(

40 days&40 nights...of solitude and illness.

Okay it's Sunday, think positive.



Okay so Shawna was selling this little jacket that stole my heart. I bought's for a boy...if we have a boy. haha. I figure I have a 50/50 chance at a boy. Here's a pic of it. Isn't it precious? This is the highlight of my Halloween weekend!!!

I just think it's incredibly precious! Thanks so much Shawna! Everyone cross your fingers...maybe this baby will get to wear it...maybe not haha.

Hope you all had a great Halloween!

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Keep pushing through. You're a pretty incredible person and I know you can stay strong.
