Friday, December 20, 2013

Potty training

Hi Snow! So the snow made all our plans get canceled so we said...'hello potty training'

We started with giving beckham a gift! In it...undies, wipes, juice, pop, treats & a potty. He thought it was a big fat joke. 

I explained to him as he came down the stairs from his nap.

'Beckham today is your potty day! You're a big boy! We get to say bye bye to the diapers' 

I got him to take off his diaper from his nap and go put it in the garbage and say bye bye. Let's be honest. It's snowing. It's kinda chilly. I'm sure nudity and chilly weather would make anyone cranky. Let's just say the first 20 mins he was cranky about nothing warm being on his 'chilly parts'. A shirt and socks and sweater was all that sweet boy has worn since naptime. 

So. He's. A. Allstar.
3.5 hours later... ZERO accidents and 10+ pees on the potty. He has told me every time. He's a rock star. This is the easiest 

Brent even made a deal with me. If I potty train him then I can have a 'free weekend' and so whatever I want....alllllll weekend. Best deal ever apparently.

I'm sure he will have lots of accidents. They will come with distractions, cloths, and being far away from a potty. I'm just SO proud the concept of the potty came so so so easy. So proud of my little man! 

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