Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Dark Table

We went on a splendid baby free double date the other night. Let me start with-I have never laughed so hard on a double date.

When Amber and I plan double dates we go for adventure and weird. A-typical isn't up our alley. Anyways this time we chose 'the dark table' it's a restaurant were you eat in UTTER darkness. You are servered by blind servers. You are supposed to be experiencing what it would be like to be blind. It was unnerving at first, then we got accustomed and started being a lil sneaky. Stealing food from each other's plates, putting cutlery on each other's chairs when we were in the bathroom. It was a HOOT. For sure a great experience that I would reccomend. 

'Hi my name is Sheena, I have matured leaps in bounds in the last 10 years. I'm silly though in nature right down to my baby toe I have silliness brewing. Put me in darkness and I loose control of my maturity. I admit that while being led to the bathroom by my server in the dark I got the silly bug bad. There were no consequences to your actions and I lost self control. I few times reached out and caressed faces of strangers that we passed or ran my hand threw there hair. Ha ha what possessed me? The idea of them not knowing who was touching the had me giggling continually. I have to admit I was a well behaved lady until someone came up and fondled my hair then all bets were off haha I had to return the funny little favor to some other people. As I am writing this I am giggling and shaking the poor bed while my sweet husband sleeps. Oh man, it was a hoot.'

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