Saturday, December 7, 2013

The first barbie

I've been analyzing for a long time when this day would come. I loved Barbies when I was growing up and new that I would let Audrey play with them as well. I was scared of this new world of 'slut barbie' and 'vampire barbie' if you bought one for my sweet lil girl it might be put into the goodwill pile. There is enough harshness in the world I figure we don't need to have her playing 'pretend clubbing' or 'monsters dolls'. Just my perspective. 

I hummed and hawwed over the idea of Barbies and how I would rationalize which ones are ok and what ones aren't 'for us' and I realized I just needed to take it one step at a time and see if a rationalization would be needed.

I had a dream one night of bringing Audrey to toysrus on a mommy/daughter date and telling her, 'Audrey you see this aisle you can choose any Barbie you want and we can bring it home with us.' The glee and excitement in my dream was so real and intense it haunted me during my days. I knew she was getting a  mermaid barbie for Christmas (not from us) which is fabulous. I kept wanting to have that special moment though with her-to be able to choose a Barbie all on her own. I told Brent and he said that I should do it. It really didn't take much to convince me haha.

I brought Audrey to toysrus and brought her to the pink section and released her. I told her that she could choose her favourite barbie to bring home with us just for her. She was so excited she just bounced. I have never been able to tell her that she could choose something at the Toy store so it was very exciting. 

She went up the aisle methodically and looked at every single doll. I kept waiting to have to say no to 'monster' or 'stripper barbie' haha but honestly this was a treasured moment she wasn't even attracted to them at all. She was all about bike riding barbie, teacher barbie, doctor barbie, vet barbie, surfing barbie and more. My heart leaped. I want her to be able to dream and pretend and imagine all the many things she can be and do. In the end my heart was more proud then I ever imagined.

She chose 'doctor barbie' it was a paediatrician barbie and also came with a baby. It was SO cute. Not only did I release her to choose so I had to release the financial part and be ok with whatever barbie she chose (some up to $40). What a little blessing that the one she chose and loved more then anything was for some reason 50% off and only 9.99. Perfection. Made me feel less bad about letting her choose a toy at the end of November so close to Christmas.

It wasn't really about Christmas though it was about a special date with my big girl. A moment that she might not remember but I will cherish. I am so grateful for a husband who encourages me to relish in special moments that are silly but somehow so significant. It is a moment in time that couldn't have been more perfect. Audrey's first barbie.  

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