Thursday, December 13, 2012


I realized after my last post that I never wrote about getting an outdoor cat. Let me recap in point form.

- with the surrounding farmland and barns there are lots of mice
-we are both allergic and NOT cat people. We did decide that getting an outdoor barn cat would be fun for the kids and very productive in terms of downsizing the mice population
-we emailed on a set of three barn cats, 7 month olds.
-we were going to pick them up...there was a complication. A neighbour had left out antifreeze and the cats had got into it.
-two of the cats died...that left us with one.
-Audrey and I talked about naming the kitty. She wanted to name HIM princess and well I insisted there was a better name.
-name number two was Spicy.
-we picked spicy up
-Audrey LOVED him (preferred the kittens though haha) she asked 'mommy can I have a baby little one'
-we did not take a kitten home, we took spicy home. Spicy is 7 months so still small.
-spicy is the MASTER at hiding.
We thought he escaped (we haven't even had him for 24 hours) we searched the basement for hours...we totally thought he was GONE!!
-I went downstairs to look one more time and sure enough there he was as he ran across the basement...that or it was a cat sized rat...
-Spicy was found...not caught. He was found though!

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