Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oh dear, just nap please!

So Audrey did great yesterday! We even landed up going out with friends and doing the schedule while they were with us. She really didn't fight it.

This morning is weird. I put her down for a nap. She was almost asleep when I put her in her crib. She perked up. Starting scooting around. She layed her head down a few times. She yawned. 35 minutes later she still hasn't gone to sleep. She hasn't cried though...

When do I give up? She's not even crying. Such a silly little girl. It's like she knows about the video monitor because every once and awhile she'll stare up at it with big pouty eyes.

I wish I knew all the right answers...

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

1 comment:

  1. Just because shes not sleeping doesn't mean shes not resting, she needs to learn to go to sleep on her own without being helped I leanred theres nothing wrong with putting a baby in their crib and walking out the door crying or not, we know whats good for them, you certainly know whats good for her! Your doing great and you may now know all the answers but you will figure it out!
