Friday, August 19, 2011


Oh dearest me.
This is how today started.
(I didn't mention that when Prada ate our dinner off the counter yesterday...the meat part was raw...)
Well this morning Audrey was running around, I was heating up her bottle. When she came to get her bottle she had poop smeared hands...WHAT?
I checked her...nope not her...
Then it dawned on me...I prob have a sick dog.
I find the poop...I find that Audrey has been playing in the poop (NOOOOOO....)
I find that Audrey had been smearing it with her blanket that she sleeps with.
Oh man...
Prada is caged.
Audrey is bathed.
Disinfectant is EVERYWERE...because there are little poopy handprints everywhere!
Barf, gag,barf...are you kidding me...
it is only 8am ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. All I can do is laugh....hahahahahahahahaha
