Friday, August 12, 2011


As I sit here at 6:30am I am saddened by the fact that my daughter won't even wake up until at least 7:30am. How sad is it when you are awake when you could really be sleeping.

This is why I joined I'm hoping that it will liven up my awake time when I really want to be sleeping. I have used it randomly for recipes etc. but have never really gotten 'into' it. I am pretty easily addicted to thinks like that so I'm sure i'll get sucked right in.

Oh today, it's going to be a stay at home and catch up sort of day. A little boring as I hope to catch up on every single chore since this weekend will be filled with wedding wedding wedding. Your house might be clean with a one year old but one this you learn quickly is that the tidyness is a daily battle. A daily battle i'm losing. I no longer enjoy bending, in fact if possible I use my feet when tidying, yes it's possible. I used to clean up the toys at least three times a day. Now it's more like once. That once is right before Brent gets home. That way I can smirk at him and pretend that I kept it this clean all stinking day. Yup, my fib :)

I have a love hate relationship with this mild Summer. On one hand this preggo could probably swell up and die of heat exhaustion if it was to hot, but 22-24 degrees really doesn't do it for me. I am a little disappointed and a little nervous that Summer will come in September when i'm due and huge and uncomfortable and I think that would simply be tragic.

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