Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Matthew 19:4-6

"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' ? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

As a fresh nineteen year old I promised myself to my best friend, highschool sweetheart, and the love of my life. To be honest many people questioned my decision because of my age, even close family. Five years later I can honestly say that everyday I make mistakes, I fail constantly and have gone through many ups and downs. The one thing that I can promise is that the best thing I ever did was marry the one God made me for. He is the best choice and best thing that ever happened to me. He has been my best friend, he has been there for me like no other, he has held my hand through the hardest times in my life. I thank God for creating a man that is not perfect but that is perfect for me. He has been the best father, provider and love that I could ever have dreamed of. In the last two years we have gone through some really hard times. I have been in the hospital for six months of the last two years. That is 25% of the last two years. And 18 months of the last two years I have been very sick and not quite the Sheena he married. It has probably been the hardest time for both of us yet honestly I can say that I have never felt more in love and more passionate about the man I married.

God is good.
God is so good.

I feel like I am on the last inning in this life battle of pregnancies. I am coming close to not having to fight any longer and just enjoy life to the fullest. I have a lot of people that I could thank but in my heart the one person that stands out is my husband. He has been the biggest support system I could have ever dreamed of.

So fun that during this dark time we were able to take time to celebrate five years together. I am so excited for the next five, and the next five and the next five! The things I'm not excited for are wrinkles, and grey hair but I think i'll persevere. If we can make it happily through the last two years I think that we'll be able to handle wrinkles and grey hair ;)

Excuse me as I got prepare for the next five years and apply my wrinkles cream, suntan lotion and go dye my hair. You might think i'm joking but i'm probably not ha ha.

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