Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are you kidding me???

Yesterday around 4:30 I noticed myself raising my forehead and 'making it wrinkle' for no reason. I told myself to stop because it was going to give me winkles if I continued. Shortly after my arm tensed up then my hand, neck and mouth. At this point I was scared. I pressed the red torpedo launch button aka the nurse 'call' button. By the time the nurse came my whole body was having a spasm it felt like I was having a stroke. I was sobbing. The nurse was excellent. She calmed me down and called the doctor. I was having a reaction to one of the medications. They called Brent and he rushed to the hospital. After a couple hours and a dose of benydryl through the iv my body calmed down and slowly stopped seizing. It was top 3 of the worst experiances of my life!!! I fell asleep around 8pm out of complete exhaustion. They had been saying I might be able to go home during the weekend but now they don't know when I'll be able to because they have to figure out all new meds. I can't even believe this happened! I'm exhausted and quite nauseated today. I just wanted to go home and now I'm not sure when that's going to happen. Sorry for no humor lately I'm having a hard time finding humor lately :( I did tell the nurse that I was glad I had a reaction to the suppository one haha because at least I don't get anymore drugs in my bum.

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone


  1. That's horrible! I hope you get better soon, but until then you'll definitely be in my prayers.

  2. What medication was it that was causing the spasms? What a horrible experience. Are you allowed out on day passes if not for overnights? Maybe a couple hrs out in fresh air will temperariliy cure your homesickness...
    Good to hear the nurses are taking care of you.
    Will be thinking of you

  3. oh sheena that totally sucks!!! i am so sorry to hear that you had such a terrible experience! i'm praying for you friend.

  4. Oh Sheena,
    I'm so sorry, you've had such a rough go so far. Please know we are thinking of you and Brent and that wee baby growing inside. We will continue to pray and ask God to touch your body. I love reading your posts, I love your humor and the love you express daily for your great hubby.

    If you need anything I'm across the street - literally!

