Monday, October 26, 2009

Baby bump?

This is me 10 weeks&5days preggo!!!

I was using the chair to help balance since I'm still always dizzy:) thought I would decorate it to help say how far along I am.

Still can't see the lil muffin, hopefully soon :)


  1. pretty sure theres no bump.. just abs lol

  2. Hey I can pretend there is a bump if I want to. I def feel pregnant that's for sure haha I just don't look it yet ;) it'll come. I just hope I don't carry it in my hips because oh dear I don't need more hips haha. Is it bad or vain or silly to think about these things? So many girls are so cute and have this big cute belly and then some girls just get big. I guess it doesn't matter. I bet every girl wonders how her body will change, and how she'll carry the baby!

  3. There IS a bump - we just can't see it yet! My Sheena, you've got lots of good eatin' to do! xo, *S
