Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pregnancy...more information then you probably wanted!

September 11, 2009 I peed on a stick and it changed my life.

I woke up early that Friday morning. I was feeling a little funny inside. Had it just been that it was the end of my first week back at work after Summer? Perhaps. Could it be something else? Maybe. Just for fun I decided I would pee on a little stick. It said positive. What? How could it say positive I haven't even missed my period yet!? I had made plans with my dear friend Lauren to walk to work that morning. I quickly got ready and met up with Lauren. She asked me, "How are you doing this morning?" I in return said to her, "I don't even know if I can tell you." She looked at me confused. It probably took me five minutes to tell her that I had peed on a stick just because and it was in pregnancy positive but that it couldn't be because I hadn't even missed my period. After work we made a slight detour on our way home and picked up more pregnancy tests. I took them and, 'Positive Positive Positive'.

Brent and I knew that this was the year but we didn't expect to get pregnant right away that is for sure! It was so exciting! I rushed home and took Brent out to his favorite restaurant for a early dinner because I couldn't wait till a normal dinner time-I was way to excited and nervous! I told him I wanted to go over to Chapters after dinner and buy a book. He asked me what book. I looked at him with a crooked sassy smile. 'What to expect when your expecting'. He looked at me with eyes wide. 'No...' he said...'Really...' he said almost thinking I was playing a joke on him. 'Nope it's true!' I pulled out the pee sticks (ha ha) I brought them with me to show him! The conversation filled with names, ways we could tell our parents and friends, and of course how we would decorate the baby room. It was delightful.

We kept it a secret for two weeks! Wahoo. It was so hard. People would ask us what was new and we would want to blurt out our very new and very exciting news! We wanted to to do all the doctors visits and proper pregnancy protocol before we let out the news. We had a friend that is DUE THE EXACT SAME DAY as us! They announced and it killed us to keep waiting! We persevered.

I would often rant and rave to Brent about how I was going to be this active healthy and non sick pregnant woman. Pregnancy isn't going to faze me I would say. Oh how I was wrong. I stuck my foot in my mouth BIG time.

Wednesday September 23, 2009 the cat was practically out of the bag.

I went on the grade six camping trip and began to experience a nightmare that I never expected. I did feel some sickness before the trip but very minor.

**I don't have a lot of energy these days and I have a lot of catching up to do on this 'story' so i'll write it in sections when I have energy. Please be patient with me. All the very 'intresting' details will come eventually. I promise ;)

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