Sunday, October 25, 2009

I want a 'pram'

I want a pram.
They are classy.
So different.
Very chic.

A pram is a vintage buggy. I was looking online at some this morning. I love the look of them and am quite in love with the idea. I think some of my family will start getting upset if I keep buying all this baby stuff because what will be left to buy when it comes time for baby showers. Who would buy a pram though? Buying one can't hurt because no one is going to want to buy me something vintage/used. They are from the '50's so I think buying one new would be almost impossible! Justifyable, right?

This is so me! Ah! I almost feel scared posting this on my blog haha heaven forbid I start a new trend and everyone gets prams. Were would be the fun in that!? I would cry, haha! This is my vintage dream! I always love things that no one else has or things that are so different!

So today is my first day Home in almost a week. I manipulated the system to get discharged early ( my doc wasn't working this weekend and the doctor covering for him said if I wanted to go home I could. Well within 10mins I had the nurse remove the iv and Brent picked me up!) I'll still have to go in for fluids but there really wasn't much else they could do for me that I couldn't do at home since I reacted to the drugs that were working. Yesterday I felt like road kill, today I'm feeling slightly better. The joy of having your bed back is intense!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha thats so cool I was watching oprah and she had gone to different places to see who the happiest people were, anyway there was this family in Amsterdam or something like that ( i am totally wrong on the place) but anywya this lady had twins and she had them both in the pram and it was so cute it made me wish I had one 4 months ago! the babies would have looked to cute snuggled up together, i couldnt fit them in a stroller in the beggining because the carseat needs to fit the stroller bla bla bla ,your lucky you only have to buy a stroller car seat combo for one!
