Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To blog or not to blog that is the question..

Well it is quite discouraging to blog and never get comments. Makes you analyze the situation.
A) everyone thinks the blog is lame.
B) no one reads the blog.
C) no one knows how to comment
D) it takes to much energy to comment so no one does
E) all of the above
F) none of the above

I'm going to have a pity party for myself right now. I spend 80% of my days in solitude, 5% with nurses, 5% with Brent (he's working so much and I go to bed between 6-7pm), 5% with brents mom, 5% in my own world talking to myself because I'm so lonely.I'm pretty much becomming socially akward haha from all this solitude. I rejoice with every message, comment or text. I am an extrovert that is forced to be a introvert at the moment. It's a daily struggle. If you have a moment to comment, text, email/fcbk an update I can guarentee it will be a highlight of my day! I'm so silly. Maybe I'll start talking in chat rooms. Haha. I often don't have the energy for real visits (phone/in person). It's sad I know :( (even if you are an aquaintence I would love to hear from you!). I know i'm pathetic and have reached a new low. At least I have enough confidence to say I'm lonely and would love to hear from you all. :)

Okay, update time. I'm in the hospital again today. My second home. I brought the magazine Jenn bought me. It cheered my day. I have my own room again. Sooo nice. I drank a little apple juice and so far so good. Yesterday I ate blue jello and refused to let it come up because I thought it would be traumatizing! So I kept..umm...swallowing it back. Yuck !!!

**me and my 'ouch' today. I'm getting better at remembering to wear different hats. Just don't ask how often I brush my hair haha.

I am 9 weeks pregnant. 3 more weeks of first trimester-wahooo. You might laugh but I have already bought all the nursery furniture! Crib, change table, mattress, rocking chair& dresser! How did I do this while being so sick you ask? Online! We'll get it all next week. I think we wanna keep our guest bedroom bed in there just in case for a little while. Brent has to sleep in there if he gets sick otherwise my body will die if I get sicker. Also if we go away during Christmas which we still plan to ( unless heaven forbid I'm still sick ). So the room might be crammed with furniture until after Christmas. Oh well :)

I keep thinking about silly things like how we need more Disney movies haha or kids games. I'm so silly. Brent has to remind me that we have lots of time. 'sheena you are only 9 weeks pregnant we don't need kids games yet for at least a year' hehe.

*** I'm half done wahoo. Imagine double this going into my body!! It's intense! I've already finished two bags that aren't shown in this picture!

Love you all! Hope you had a beautiful thanksgiving!

*thanks aunts for giving Brent some turkey!!! That plate lasted 30 seconds!

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone*


  1. keep blogging...I'm reading + loving it. Congratulations on your pregnancy! It will be worth all of this crazy hospital business, that I am sure of!

    xo, *S

  2. Ps. blogging is my free therapy, I love it -- If anything just blog for yourself and your new little one growing inside of you.

  3. when i first started blogging, i was frustrated with the lack of comments. and i posted about it. my no-nonsense cousin, who'd been blogging for years already, commented that you have to "earn your comments"...which was maybe a little harsh but what i DID discover is that blogging needs to be about you enjoying introspective writing (or whatever you blog about) and that comments or no comments, you are doing it for yourself. however...after a few years of blogging, i still wonder when i get those posts with 0 or 1 comment. so i signed up for google analytics (just google it to find it). i put my blog on there and then i can track how many hits a day my blog is getting and where from. it's encouraging. i'd recommend it. :)

  4. Your right Rebecca. I have been enjoying blogging for myself. Seems like a good place to brainstorm, vent a little, and just put things out there. I was nervous that it was a little to sassy and a mother to be should tone down the sass haha but then I decided I'll prob always be sassy so why not put it out there once and awhile instead of pretending ;) perhaps I'll invent an insentive for commenting...like timbits haha j/k.

    Lisa your so cute! I'm glad you like it:). It makes me smile that your reading. I think your blog is so beautiful!

  5. I agree with Becs, you should do it for yourself. That's why I do it (I'm a journaler by nature so instead of writing in my journal, I write on my blog) but I too LOVE comments. They make me laugh and also feel like others are sharing in my experiences, or making fun of me, whatev! HAHA

    Hoping you are feeling better.. at least a little, and that the illness goes away ASAP!

  6. I am so happy you haven't been taking pictures of your puke hahahah. This is like the high-tech version of your "sick story" you wrote me in grade 8...which I still have !!

    Hope you feel better, I'll talk to you soon. Love you!

  7. Hope you're doing well! If you're super bored, read my blog if you have time...

  8. Hey hun,

    Well I know you are really sick, but the pictures tell the story even better! Brutal. I am busy reading lame school things all the time. 4th year is brutal, but I definitely love your blog and I will check it often and leave comments :).

    Hang in there buddy, and when you feel half decent please tell me so I can see you! Miss ya.


  9. I totally forgot about my sick book I made you! I giggled so hard. I guess it makes sense that I would be doing this then. I think after one week of missing highschool I was so lonesome I made you many intresting 'art projects' haha.

    Sonya I will for sure keep you posted on when I'm allowed visitors again. I have a dr's appt. I'll ask. The nurses said when I start having visitors it should be at home like watching tv/movie so it's not stressfull and not long periods of time. I'll talk to the doc though ;)
