Thursday, October 15, 2009

Midwife meeting

So yesterday I had my first meeting with my midwife yesterday. She seems great so I am thrilled. She did bring up a lot of things that Brent and I had never talked about. She wants us to start coming up with a 'birth plan' that details what we want or don't want. Nothing freaky like a water birth and umbelical cord stew haha. Hey if that's your thing then sweet I think I'll do the birth somewhat traditional ;)

So here are some of the things were not sure of...

- calling family during labour for heads up or waiting till after baby converse has arrived
- allowing family to wait at the hospital during labour ( if we called to give headsup I'm not sure we could trust some to wait at home if that's what we wanted haha). Or allowing family to come after birth.
-visitors that aren't family, when to call, when to let come visit.
-how many visitors at a time
-if we do allow family to see us during lengthy labour do we let them come in my room in between contractions, or not allowed at all, or only at beginning

I have never been through this before. What is normal? What did you do? Did you wish you did something different? I would loooove to know.

I am thinking we are going to go to surrey hospital just because I have heard they have a new maternity ward and it's amazing.

What about drugs?
I don't think I want an epidural but I think I would be more then happy to have some gas. I have heard that an epidural can have a little but of a negative effect on baby, birth process and the mom. Who knows though I have never been in the situation so I could land up screaming for stronger drugs. I am a little bit of a sissy sometimes. :)

I'm going to book my ultrasound today when I get home from the hospital. I'm pretty sure we are going to find out the sex. We probably won't tell till the last month though. Even then I doubt we'll anounce to all just some select people. Who knows when it comes to exciting secrets I for sure struggle keeping them inside/to myself.

**this is my hand with the warm bean bags the nurses always give me. It helps keep my body warm. I get so cold with all this fluid. I look like road kill today so no 'head shots'

Last night Brent went bonkers. He is the craziest person in his sleep. Last night he dreamed that I was going into labour. He said in hid dream I was 10 weeks pregnant and the baby was okay it just had to stay in the hospital for 8 months. Anyways at 1am Brent leaped up and turned on all the lights. I was so sad. I couldn't fall back to sleep so I had to listen for another 5.5 hours of him talking crazily in his sleep. I guess I could have gone in the other room but I was to weak. Silly boy. I did go to bed just after 7 so I did get a few hours in before 1am.


  1. I didn't have a midwife, but I did have a doula. We did have a birth plan, it was a good thing to have in order before you start getting all the pangs of birthing, so then you don't have to think when your in the midst of labouring with Baby C.

    My one thing was that if I could do it without drugs I would. But if I said our secret word (which was snowflake) that everything that I had stated in the birth plan or before I really started to labour would go out the door and I would get an epidural. Then Mr. L knew that I was serious and no matter what I said before, I wanted the drugs. Just to give you a bit of hope; I never said the word "snowflake" while in labour with either of our boys.

    PS. I delivered both my boys in SMH and yes, it's a fabulous ward, with amazing nurses...Love love love them there!

  2. I didn't have a midwife but I hear its great I wish I did have one, but anyway there are so many things to think of and I would deffinitly have a birth plan if I were you, but they dont always happen how you plan so keep that in mind. As for telling people when you are in labour, I told only the parents and then said no visitors until I say so, some people will ignore that though, so just be prepared for anything but it is actually nice to have some people at the hospital for you as well as for brent because if its a long labour he might need some breaks and someone else to talk to instead of crazy sheena on laughing gas lol and by the way epidurals aren't bad I had one and it saved my life. but you can always forgo and then decide to have it later. Just read lots and watch lots of baby story on TLC!!
