Thursday, October 8, 2009

Part 2: the camping trip and beyond

**Just a side note I found an application on my iPhone for blogger so now I can blog from bed. Sitting at the computer takes up way to much energy! You don't even know how tiring sitting rather then laying is! I'll probable blog way to much because now I can blog from bed!!

Wednesday morning the day of the grade six camping trip came bright and early. We had to leave the school at 7:30am. I woke up at 3am and proceded to a) toss my cookies b) hurl my brains out c) vomit until I thought I was dead. There is no choose one it's all of the above. I was toast before the trip even began. I told the girl teachers what was going on so that if I needed them to cover for me I could escape. I thought 'no big deal it's just been a bad morning' but little did I know that it had just begun.

That night when the kids were getting ready for bed I was getting ready to be on racoon duty. I had never been so ill...ever. Thankfully one of the parents volunteered to take my duty. I proceeded to hurl repeatidly in the forest and then bury my vomit. I fell asleep crying gently on the phone to my loving husband that night. The poor kids must have thought there was something really weird about mrs.converse. That sleep was short I woke up to gutwrenching signals yelling 'your going to vomit hurry find somewere not in your tent to do it'. I made it to a bush, then a tree, then the path to the bathroom and finally a toilet (don't worry I always buried my puke haha). I threw up until my body gave in to fatigue. You got it mrs.converse passed out in the bathrooms at the campground (could you even imagine if a student stumbled upon me!!!) ah!

That morning got worse a group of female parents saw me run into the bushes hurl my poor body to the ground and up chuck something fierce. I came out of the bushes a little teary eyed. The good heartidly asked me if I was praying in the forest. They saw through it and congratulated me. It was very exciting news. Not quite so exciting to be this sick though. One by one all the adults found out. Through similar ways (puke encounters). It's a delightful way to spread the news (hahaha)

That trip was just the start I didn't keep anything down Wednesday through Monday. Monday I called in sick because I wasn't even able to get out of bed I was so sick. On Monday the doctor said I wouldn't be allowed to work again until I was symptom free as it wasn't safe for the baby or me. The doctor put me on a drug called diclectin to help but it didn't. Everyday I was getting worse and worse. I had lost 10lbs. On Wednesday I was in the hospital all day on iv support and got my first dose of Zofran. I felt better for 12hours. I ate a eggo and kept it down it was a milestone. Every other day I was in the hospital on iv support and every other day I was seeing my doctor and they were trying to find a drug that works for me. Nothing work except the iv and zofran.

One day my doctor decided to give me a pill of zofran (the stuff they were giving me in the iv) they explained a few things...

A) it's really expensive
B) it's what they normally give to chemotherapy patients for nautiousness

Brent went to shoppers to fill my perscription of 20 zofran pills (10 days worth) it was a whopping $400!!!

I'm one expensive preggo lady that is for sure!

Is it helping?
Yes, I still don't think I could work while on it. I'm sooooo tired, drowsy and dizzy. I ate a mango today and no puke! It's very exciting.

So in the last two week this is what my life included
-3 iv treatments including 4 liters of fluid each time plus a bag of zofran via iv
-barfing my brains out
-$150 perscription for diclectin which in my opinion didn't help
-gravel/and gravel..suppositories haha fun times
-6 doctors appointments
-6-7pm bedtime
-losing 10lbs
-praying my baby is okay (doctors say my baby is healthy but this all has been so scary it's hard not to worry)
-$400 zofran perscription for only 10 days worth of drugs

It's been a rough couple weeks but I'm praying next week will be better!

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone*

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