Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oh Audrey

I'm laying in bed in the hospital on a stretcher watching one of my favorite movies of all time. 'breakfast at tiffany's'

I have a deep love for Audrey I just find her absolutly captivating. I can totally relate to some of the things she refers to in this movie. Such as 'red moods' and 'not being able to tame something wild' oh Audrey.

At last in the end she finds her prince who doesn't want to tame or change her :) and he of course gives her a ring that was engraved at tiffany's.

So yesterday Brent came to the hospital and surprised me with a portable DVD player and two chick flicks. 17 again & ghosts of girlfriends past. What a sweetheart <3 !!! I love my hubby and don't know what I would do without him. After three years he still is constantly blowing my socks off!

** this is Brent checking the new place (area in the hospital that I'm in). So cute. I'm always taking stalker pictures of him with my phone ;) handsome guy isn't he!!!?

** this is me being super excited about my portable DVD player! To be honest to lift myself in this position felt like I was doing the 'bridge' for an hour haha my whole body was shaking. I'm musceless fool now ;)

So they are still talking about admitting me full time into the hospital. I think that sounds dreadful. Seven hours a day seems bad enough! Oh dear, I am willing to do whatever it takes to get better though I just don't know how staying overnight will make things/me better. I do feel like I'm wasting away. I'm pretty discouraged with my health and current situation. It just seems neverending. I feel dead a lot of the time. Fluid&vitamins through iv are my life support. My days pass slowly but in a haze. It's scary sometimes.

I'm also starting to understand again how having a baby isn't just about you and your husband it's about so many other people (flashback to getting married) with there opinions, expectations, beliefs and priorities. I'm so sick and admit pressure from certain people is becomming stressful and quite agrivating. So silly I know. The doctors say stress is bad for the baby so maybe when these situations occur ill simply say 'you're hurting my baby.' haha jk. I can only do so much especially being so sick. I think what matters most is what Brent and I are comfortable with and what we think is best for our little family. Sounds sassy doesn't it? Or selfish? I just think that during a time like this I need to care for this little baby inside of me and my health and also appreciate how wonderfully my husband is caring for me. I'm on strike from stress :)

Anyways I'm going to watch 'Enchanted' now :). Have a great afternoon!
-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Sheena, I agree with you. Don't let what other people stress you out! This is all about you, Brent and Baby. So, keep being sassy and selfish! Do what you and Brent are comfortable with and what you think and want for your family! ooh...and start feeling better soon. I can hardly wait to meet Baby Converse. Love you.
    A. Bev
